Ground Breaking Project Makes Columbus GA A World Leader in Fight Against Alzheimer's Disease

Posted: 03/22/2018 


Columbus, GA - The Columbus Memory center announced today the “Columbus Memory Project” (CMP), a bold, new three-year citywide initiative designed to combat memory loss and make Columbus a worldwide leader in the fight to eradicate Alzheimer’s disease.

Columbus Memory Center’s New Initiative Designed To Combat Memory Loss

Columbus, GA - The Columbus Memory center announced today the “Columbus Memory Project” (CMP), a bold, new three-year citywide initiative designed to combat memory loss and make Columbus a worldwide leader in the fight to eradicate Alzheimer’s disease.

The project’s goal is to make Columbus the world’s first city to screen every senior citizen for memory loss and to test tens of thousands for their genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Every area resident 65 or older will be offered a free test designed to give them a quote “memory number” as a baseline understanding of his\her memory health.

Columbus Memory Center will hold its first “Ask the Doctor” Town Hall meeting on Friday, April 28th, 2:00 PM, at Columbus Memory Center, 7196 N. Lake Dr., Columbus, GA 31909.

To reserve seats, enroll online at or call 706-327-4000. As part of the event, individuals will have the opportunity to submit a confidential DNA sample (via free cheek swab kits) through GeneMatch, a program of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry (

Supported by city leaders and state and local chapters of the Alzheimer’s Association, the Columbus Memory Center will work to educate area residence on proven ways to keep the brain healthy and to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. Eligible residence will also be able to volunteer for first-ever clinical trials approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration aimed at preventing or delaying the progress of Alzheimer’s.

“With a city engaged, we can create tremendous momentum to take brain health seriously, encourage early diagnosis, and rapidly fill research enrollment goals so that medications can come to the rescue much more quickly,” said Dr. Jonathan L. M.D., the program’s creator. “With the help of the citizens of Columbus, the world will take a giant step towards defeating Alzheimer’s disease.”

“It is possible that Alzheimer’s disease will be cured in our lifetime,” said Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, who is assisting the public education effort. “Medical science is that close to a meaningful breakthrough. By learning more and participating in the study, Columbus can be ‘cure city’. We are going to assist this public health, nonprofit effort by spreading the word of how our citizens can help themselves and help chart a course to a cure.“

Alzheimer’s affects one out of every nine people above the age of 65. The FDA-approved research trials are aimed at preventing Alzheimer’s disease in healthy people and dramatically slowing it’s progress in those who have begun to suffer. With 19 new drugs becoming potentially available in the next five years and 57 new drugs in the pipeline, according to Researchers Against Alzheimer’s (RA2), the future for Alzheimer’s patients and families is beginning to brighten, researchers say.

“In fact, we are already beginning to win the war against Alzheimer’s disease, as the number of new cases per 100 is beginning to decline,” said Dr. Liss. “We now have proven general health initiatives that protect the brain, keep it healthier, and ‘bar the door,’ so that Alzheimer’s cannot get in.” Columbus-Area senior citizens will be educated about ways to protect themselves, and residents 55 and over may be able to participate in programs aimed at preventing the disease.

“It is now universally believed that the key to stopping Alzheimer’s disease is to intervene before it has started or as early as possible once it has begun. The Columbus Memory Project may be giving us the necessary framework to encourage older adults to run towards care instead of running away from a diagnosis,” said Dr. David Watson, Neuropsychologist and Director of Lake Worth Florida’s Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment Center.

Tens of thousands of copies of Dr. Liss’ self help booklet: Living Well: A Guide for Preserving Independence with Senior Moments, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease will be distributed without charge. Town Hall-style “Ask the Doctor” meetings will be held regularly to address memory-related questions.

Dr. Pierre Tariot, Director of the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and one of the leaders of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative, including the Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry, and GeneMatch, applauds the initiative: “Science has brought us hope: we are now able to conduct clinical trials aimed at preventing or delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s. We are asking people across the country to join the effort to end this cruel disease before another generation is lost. It is with great pride and excitement that we see the citizens and leadership of Columbus stepping up to show the entire world how to bring us closer to this extraordinary goal. Thank you for leading the way.”

“Beginning today, Columbus will be a city engaged in defeating Alzheimer’s disease while a hopeful world watches,” said Ginny Helms, State Director of the Alzheimer’s Association.

Further press inquiries should be directed to: Dr. Jonathan Liss, M.D. 
Email: // Twitter: @JLissMD

Office: 706-327-4000