Picture is from a recent Memory Town Hall Meeting hosted at the office of the Columbus Memory Center.

Picture is from a recent Memory Town Hall Meeting hosted at the office of the Columbus Memory Center.

Other Ways To Get Involved and Help Support The Columbus Memory Project™

  • Get Your Memory Number®
    • Stop-by Columbus Memory Center. No appointment is necessary. It is free and easy. This self-administered test is not timed. It usually takes 15-30 minutes to complete.
  • Become an Advocate
    • Encourage your family and friends to:
      • Visit our website and review “Healthy Brain Tips”
      • Obtain their own Memory Number® 
      • Volunteer at the Alzheimer’s Association
      • Volunteer at Columbus Memory Center
  • Share in Social Media (we'll even provide images with links for you!)

Together our city can accomplish even what appears to be impossible!