
Below you will find testimonials from different people with different stories and different circumstances. However, the common thread in all of these testimonials is the hope that is being provided because of the current research into Alzheimer's and the progress being made in our own city and with our own citizens. It will not stop here, but we have been a part of a significant start.

Report by Teresa Whitaker-WRBL

Report by Teresa Whitaker-WRBL

Testimonial: Rex McLaney

Rex McLaney, a Phenix City resident, was recently interviewed by WRBL as a follow up to the press announcement about the advances in Alzheimer's disease. As Mr. McLaney shares in this video, we cannot confirm that he was receiving the actual drug but his experience so far has brought hope to his entire family.


TEstimonial: coming soon

This is new content that we are providing because you asked for it. Watch our site for more updates soon!


Testimonial: Coming soon

Another one coming soon.